Autism and Homeopathy

Published on 10 December 2024 at 11:56


Autism is a sensitive subject when it comes to healing and homeopathy. When we are led to believe that something is unchangeable we can become offended when the opposite picture is presented, and relief from symptoms is suggested.


What is Autism? The current presentation is a 'hardwiring' of the brain that one is born with. A defect. In an experiential way, autistes appear to have a different way of processing information and perceive situations differently to the 'norm'. Essentially, autism is presented as a 'brain' issue, although the central nervous system and the endocrine system also play vital roles with heightened emotional responses and hormone disregulation; particularly the adrenal glands, where one is caught in an almost permanent 'fight or flight state'.



Immediately we can see, through a very small exploration that autism is indeed not solely of the brain and its functions, but is of a wider, more complex, combination of symptoms involving multiple bodily systems. When the medical profession profess that something is simply a condition that one is born with, it removes all responsibility from environmental, dietary and iatrogenic factors, when all aspects of one's life need to be considered.


In homeopathic practice, the consulting homeopath considers all aspects of the patients case regardless of age or presented condition or symptoms. A homeopathic practitioner requires full knowledge of the patients medical history, family medical history and experiential life to date. Only then can an aetiology be tracked to the correct point when a loss of regular development and/or a change in behaviour consistent to the individual's personality, took place. Furthermore, identifying the initial disturbance in the natural development of the individual, reveals to the doctor, what needs to be cured and how to treat it.


Any doctor worth their salt will tell you that in order to prescribe the correct medicine, a full case history must be taken and must be assessed and analysed without prejudice. This last quality is essential for the practitioner to have fidelity to the patient's case and assess all information equally. To undertake a patient's case with any less scruples does not have the patient's best interest at heart.


When addressing autism we must address the elephant in the room. When considering the medical history of the patient, whether child or adulthood, the administration of pharmaceutical drugs, to the pregnant mother as well as the newborn infant, including antibiotics and vaccinations, must be noted. The pursuit of scientific enquiry takes into account all factors and follows the principles of cause and effect. There is no such thing as random in scientific principles, only anomalies.


Suggesting that the use of pharmaceutical drugs (including vaccines from as early as 8 weeks in life) is not of benefit to the well-being and development of the individual, may anger some people. The administration of vaccines, plus antibiotics, plus vaccines in pregnancy, plus the use of pharmaceutical drugs in pregnancy, have shown, in homeopathic cases, to have a detrimental effect on the health of some individuals.


Autism does not begin in later life, unlike type 1 diabetes, it begins in the early stages of development, experienced by the infant as a traumatic event. The reason why we believe that our children are being born autistic is because the disturbance in the natural development occurs before the child can fully express themselves. Increased crying, frantic behaviour, exaggerated reactions or the opposite of delayed development and an inability to interact, are all signs of a disturbance in the natural flow of things.


If we give a minute to thinking about the nature and purpose of a vaccination we can see that it is an aggressive approach to deter a future potential threat of disease. Instead of a baby experiencing a continuation of a loving, protective and nurturing environment, it is subjected to an internal warzone; an instigated battle (to the death) between several deadly microbial life forms and the individuals underdeveloped immune system.


In addition to this sudden change and all-demanding internal process, the kidneys and liver are tasked to filter the remnants of the 'other ingredients', which include, aluminum, mercury, emulsifiers, sorbitol, lactose, glycerol, sugar and salt, to name but a few. This early interruption of development is not a natural state, and in some infants, can evoke an unnatural response. When we consider that an infant can undergo this instigated battle of invading bacteria and micro-organisms, several times during its early stages of development, is it any wonder that sometimes, things go wrong?


Not all children who receive vaccinations go on to become autists I hear you say. Yes, that is correct, just as not all smokers go on to develop lung cancer and not all obese people go on to develop heart disease. Lives are complicated and there are many factors that can contribute to an overloaded system. As human babies are mammals, and are unable to be born with their brains fully developed, the initial few years of a baby's life are crucial for establishing healthy functions and healthy brain responses.


When a child with autism visits a homeopath, they are invariably treated for anxiety, fear and emotional lability. These seemingly common symptoms are usually extreme in their nature and bring such torment and disquiet to the child and their families that relief and reduction in these almost constant symptoms seems almost miraculous. They herald a beginning of recovery and bring a promise of hope that has seem all but forgotten.


Homeopathy brings new beginnings and enables individuals to start living again. Autistic children, PANDAs children, suicidal children, need homeopaths, as more often than not, we are their only hope. Visit my testimonial page to read a parent's experience of homeopathy and autism in action.


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